Category: MY KITCHEN

Sprouted Wheat

Sprouted Grains: making a comeback

We know sprouts are good for us and perhaps you’ve even tried growing a few in a mason jar on your window sill. Sprouts aren’t just confined to the likes of mungbeans and alfalfa varieties though, sprouted grains are also…

Shelling Beans

Looking like magic beans you’d expect to read about in Jack and the Beanstalk, I’ve had fun this season growing a range of shelling beans in a variety of colours. Have you ever contemplated growing beans? Not just green beans…

gin and tonic jelly with agar powder

Jellies fit for a vegetarian: Agar Powder

Not all jellies need to be made with gelatine (an animal byproduct for the uninitiated). I’ve had fun making my own vegetarian-friendly version made from an extract of red seaweed called ‘agar’. Come summer, jellies are refreshingly tempting.  Whether sweet…

Infused Rose Petal Sugar

Rose petals are deliciously fragrant, carry delicate flavours and have been used in cooking for hundreds of years. Dried and folded through muesli, sprinkled in smoothies, candied and adorned on cakes, seeped into teas and water, featuring in jams, cocktails…

bread and butter pickles

Food rescue starts at home

Food wastage is unnecessary. There is utterly no need to add to the already gloomy statistics that every New Zealand household wastes on average $570 of food each year. Food rescue starts at home. Not only can you make your…

Know your dates: Best Before and Use By

Many years ago when I was working in England and living on a tight budget, I fed my family of three on less than £10 per day. All my menu planning was dictated by bargain bins, seasonal vegetables and food…

Kaibosh Wellington

Kaibosh: the Food Rescuers

It is appalling to learn how much food New Zealand wastes. Thank goodness for kind hearts; the food rescuers. With the lead up to the festive season Food Bank volunteers around New Zealand will be run off their feet packing…

incredible edible geraldine

Community Gardening: Incredible Edible Geraldine

I love the concept of sustainable backyards. I’m sold on the idea that every house, regardless of the size of yard or deck, can grow vegetables to contribute towards a great chunk of their personal household consumption. I’m abuzz with…

vanilla pod

Vanilla Essence vs Extract vs Paste

Growing up as a kid I only ever knew of ‘imitation essence’ when it came to baking. Thankfully times have evolved and vanilla extract and paste are now the norm. But what is the difference between vanilla essence, extract and…

home made mushroom burger

5+ A Day Challenge for Back-to-Schoolers

February is upon us. Kids are going back to school in their droves. Soon lunchboxes around New Zealand will undergo morning tea scrutiny and lunch-time swapsie rituals. What a great time to combine ‘back to school’ with healthy eating habits…